There are a number of absolutely essential pieces to get before even considering taking on the tougher monsters in this game. I'm not saying you can't, but these piece of gear significantly increase your chances for success. They are in order of importance:

(And does anyone else find the image of switching hats in the middle of a fight extremely funny? "Hold on one sec there Mr. Mamool, I need to change my hat everytime I cast a spell.")

One important thing to note here with all the gear I've listed so far is that it's all rare/ex. You just simply have to put time and a little bit of gil in. You don't have to go farm up money for weeks on end and whatnot, you just simply have to go to your limbus or dynamis runs and you just have to finish a relatively simple BC (Apocalypse Nigh). The rest of the gear is something anyone can debate. My preferences slot by slot are:
Love Halberd, Mezraq, Valkyrie's Fork. I'm not going to assume people upgraded Gungnir. I'm also going to assume that a lot of people are owners of a Thalassocrat. Any of these are fine, but prior to getting Gungnir, I generally preferred to use my Love Halberd over my Mezraq. Why? I usually would solo things that liked to cast a lot of magic. Love Halberd gave me a large number of hits thanks to it's "Occasionally attacks twice with virtue stones equipped" feature and low delay.
Mezraq/Thalassocrat are essentially the same weapon that end up parsing close to the same, but I don't believe for a second that over a long marathon fight that Thalassocrat is actually better than Mezraq. This is due to the fact Mezraq's STR+2 effects nearly every one of a Dragoon's weapon skill library and Thalassocrat's DEX+2 only modifies one (Penta Thrust).
If you have a V.Fork, then you pretty much have the best thing available short of Gungnir and can ignore everything else I said in this paragraph.
Pole Grip or Sword Strap. Take your pick.
Discussed above. If you have an Askar Zucchetto, Walahra Turban, or Ace's Helm, then you have yourself a full time head piece for TP gain and your Drachen/Wyrm Armets become macro pieces.
This is a piece that I'm probably going to get some disagreements on. I'm not going to assume that people have an Ares's Cuirass, but if you do, good for you and ignore everything else I'm about to say.
Homam Corazza, Askar Korazin, Assault Jerkin, or Zahak's Mail are generally popular pieces. I'd only use Homam if I didn't have Askar or if I was having some serious accuracy issues or MP issues even though Triple Attack kicking in is funny to watch. I'd only use the Assault Jerkin if I didn't have Homam or Askar. Every time I see a Dragoon wearing Zahak's Mail full time though makes me cry. Askar body is easy to get with a solid Nyzul group, a little luck and some time and has a far greater benefit than wearing what amounts to a super Penta Thrust piece. Even then, Drakesbane is far better and if you're after an Askar hat or body, you're going to pick up the Radiant Lance along the way. Also, if you're willing to spend 6+ mil on Zahak's Mail, get your ass into Salvage, save up another 5 mil and get Ares's Cuirass instead.
Homam Manopolas, Dusk Gloves, Wyrm Finger Gauntlets or Tarasque Mitts/+1. I go Homam all the way while soloing. I need the MP from them and the haste is nice too. If Homam isn't an option, pick up some Dusk Gloves or Tarasque Mitts. Use Wyrm Finger Gauntlets if you're only concerned about accuracy and don't have Homam hands to cover it.
Brutal Earring and Ethereal Earring are only options here. I detailed a few other earrings above if those aren't available to you, but you should at least make getting the Ethereal Earring a priority. Brutal Earring is super cheap now and virtually requires no work to get it, so there really is no excuse. Rings are a bit of a different beast as someone might already have different rings for finishing ToAU or CoP. I personally use a Rajas Ring and Ulthalam's Ring. I'll replace Ulthalam's Ring with an Ether Ring from time to time if I'm fighting stuff that likes to Aspir.
Amemit Mantle/+1, Cerberus Mantle/+1, Forager's Manger, or Cuchulain's Mantle. Dragoon doesn't really have much for back pieces that lend itself to balancing itself out decently. Most of the options we have are pretty much geared towards generating offense. NQ Amemit Mantle is cheapest thing available and I certainly wouldn't expect someone to spring for a Cerb Mantle or a Cuchulain's Mantle. Sticking with an HQ Amemet Mantle or a Forager's Mantle is best option here.
Swift Belt, Wyrm Belt, or Warwolf Belt. If you're MP challenged like me, I use a Forest Rope and it certainly doesn't hurt having a little bit more MP up to a point. This piece allows me to minimize the number of MP+ pieces I wear and allows me to focus a little more on offense when it's needed. I know this is an Elvaan only piece, but there are other MP+ waist for the various races too. For the most part though, it's Swift Belt all the way. Warwolf Belt is generally a WS macro piece and Wyrm Belt is used primarily for a little boost in accuracy if it's needed.
Went over this already above while discussing Drachen Brais and Homam Cosciales. There really are no other options for soloing unless you have Ares's Flanchard. Barone Cosciales or Conte Cosciales are generally nice if Homam is not available, but put in the effort to get the Drachen Brais +1. An honorable mention goes out to Barbarossa's Zerehs as Homam-1, but again your soloing set should include a balance of everything and these tend to focus too much on offense
Homam Gambieras should be another high priority to pick up. I didn't list it as a critical piece because it's definitely not going to make or break your ability to solo, but the HP/MP+, Wyvern HP+ and Haste+ all in one piece isn't present anywhere else. Askar Gambieras make baby jesus cry, but are definitely better than wearing Rutter Sabatons full time. Buy Dusk Ledelsens if you're too lazy to Limbus or Nyzul. Wear Drachen Greaves or Wyrm Greaves if you're cheap and lazy.
I generally try to strike up a decent balance of gear when I'm soloing. I don't try to overload on HP+, Wyvern HP+, MP+ or Attack+. Haste is generally a priority, so you can never really go wrong with 4 of the homam pieces as full time pieces unless an Askar piece is better (in the hat's case). When I go out soloing, I try to make sure I have between 250-300MP minimum and try to make sure my HP's 50% mark is around 700.
There are lots of other pieces of gear for increasing healing breath, but again, loading up on Wyvern HP+ just prolongs a battle. Most fights are about simply outlasting your opponent, not smashing them into iddy biddy pieces or making sure you take take a little damage as possible.
Tomorrow I'll go over Merit Party/XP/Weapon Skill gear if time permits. :)
thanks Q this info will actually help my DRG because I was confused about Healing breasts... I mean Breath.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious as to how much gear I would have to stack to get my Taru HP up high enough to get my breath to trigger at 700. I suspect it's a fair bit. I assume pretty much everywhere you think about putting MP on, I'd have to put on HP.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll sit down and work it out.
Taru have the opposite piece of waist gear that I have. The Steppe Sash has +60 HP.
ReplyDeleteMy base HP subbing WHM with my TP set up is 1451. Top to bottom it looks like:
1. Gungnir/Pole Grip/Ranged/Olibanum Satchet
2. Askar hat/Chanoix's gorget/Brutal/Ethereal
3. Ares body/Homam hands/Ulth ring/Rajas ring
4. Amemet+1/Forest Rope/AF1+1 pants/Homam feet.
I said before I will swap my waist piece out with a swift belt more often times than not, but the rest of my main pieces of gear all have +HP/MP on them. If my suspicions are correct, I would imagine the only thing you'd have to really wear to get your HP's 50% mark @ 700 would be the Steppe Sash.
700HP is an approximate figure too. Have to keep in mind that I've got 6 HP and 2 MP merits as well. I don't know how you're merited out in that category, but w/o any gear on, my base HP is 1328 and my base MP is 138 (1268/118 w/o merits). I'm thinking tarutaru base HP/MP w/o any merits will probably be along the lines of 1168/228.
Ooooo I needed this as my drg is up and coming. Good stuff /hotchocolate