I hated leveling this craft to 60. The reason why was because damn near every one of the synths required multiple parts. And not only did they require multiple parts, some of the parts required you to perform synths just to make the parts for the synth you were trying to skill up on. That sort of pattern could drill down 2-4 synths deep just to make one item to skill on. It's the sort of thing that would drive someone as frugal as me completely insane.
It's kind of a good thing too. Technically, you could take Clothcraft to 60 just recycling everything you made during your previous skill up synth. It's not very economical to do so as there are usually other parts required and the end results don't sell on the AH or NPC for very much, but it is possible. That will be a bit of a theme as I map out how to go from 0-60 as efficiently as possible. Clothcraft is rather easy to get to 60 without blowing much gil or even possibly making gil.
Dive into the madness after the jump.
Phase 1: Of Yagudos and....Yagudos.
Get ready to spend a lot of time with our feathered beastmen friends. I hope you have a handy THF/BLM or BLM/THF floating around that can dump a couple Blizzagas or Thundagas in Giddeus. Even a job that can whip out a gun or bow or some sort of ranged attack that can potentially one-shot the Yags here is extremely handy.

Recipe: Wind Crystal, 1x Yagudo Necklace
Cap: Level 1

Recipe: Earth Crystal, 3x Grass Thread
Cap: Level 4

Recipe: Earth Crystal, 1x Grass Thread, 2x Grass Cloth
Cap: Level 8
Phase 2: Thread...Cloth...Thread...Cloth...Fly Lure...Wut?

Ok I lied, you might have to farm. It depends on guild prices and supply here. Buy up as much Saruta Cotton as you can get, hold, or afford as long as you can pick it up for 100 gil or less ea. Cotton thread will be used later on in rather large quantities.
Recipe: Lightning Crystal, 2x Saruta Cotton
Cap: Level 11

Recipe: Earth Crystal, 3x Cotton Thread
Cap: 12

Recipe: Wind Crystal, 2x Cotton Cloth, 1x Cotton Thread
Cap: 15

Recipe: Lightning Crystal, 2x Flax Flower
Cap: Level 19

Recipe: Earth Crystal, 3x Linen Thread
Cap: Level 22

Recipe: Wind Crystal, 2x Yagudo Feather
Cap: Level 22

Recipe: Earth Crystal, 1x Animal Glue, 1x Bat Fang, 1x Chocobo Feather
Cap: Level 30
Phase 3: Ra..er Counting Sheep
Prepare to be frustrated by a level 15 sheep sleeping your level 75 character.

Remember that maddening part I mentioned before? Yeah well here's where it gets somewhat bad.
Take some wind crystals out to your favorite sheep farming spot and break down a pair of sheep skins into sheep wool. This will cap Leathercraft at 4. Once you have 2 pieces of wool, hopefully you have some Lightning Crystals with you too. Turn those into the wool thread. Depending on how far you skilled up on the Fly Lures, this portion could take you a while unless you just feel like blowing money on the AH and clearing it out of sheep skins.
Recipe: Lightning Crystal, 2x Sheep Wool
Cap: 35

Recipe: Earth Crystal, 3x Wool Thread
Cap: Level 37
Phase 4: The Oddities Before the Storm
Sell off your wool cloths as you won't be needing them any more unless you actually want to lose money making your rank item of a feather collar. If you farmed up everything, you're going to make a nice chunk of gil for your time and efforts. From this point forward, making money will be a bit hard to do, but doable.
Recipe: Wind Crystal, 2x Bird Feather
Cap: Level 42

Recipe: Earth Crystal, 8x Grass Thread
Cap: Level 43
Phase 5: The Final, Velvety, Silky, Smooth Push
Going to be spending a ton of time with anything that drops silk threads, so warm that TH up.

Recipe: Earth Crystal, 1x Silk Thread, 2x Wool Thread
Cap: Level 45

Well this is one of those recipes that make absolutely no sense. Much like the blood stone I mentioned in the bonecrafting guide, this synth somehow has a higher cap than the previous synth despite the materials being a much lower level synth than the materials for the previous synth.
Confused yet? Long story short, that cotton thread you saved from your wee-little clothcrafting days is going to get used up here. If you don't have any cotton thread left, buy up the saruta cotton and make some. If you picked up the Spinning key item by chance, this process goes a lot faster. Turn in a pair of Wool Bracers for your final rank up once you hit 48. You don't have to cap on these as the next item will be used a f***ton for the final item, but it won't make much of a difference to your wallet either way.
Oh and you still gotta farm silk threads.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, 1x Silk Thread, 2x Cotton Thread
Cap: Level 51

No? Yeah well, I didn't think of that until I just got to this point in the writing process. You can make silk threads via crawler cocoons that drop off the same crawlers you're farming for silk anyway. You can also buy crawler cocoons for relatively cheap from the guild on some days (range of 137 gil-870 gil...). Make sure you check those prices from time to time, but the odds of catching the super cheap cocoons in any large supply probably won't happen. Guild price needs to be around 420ish gil ea. to break even with AH stacks listed at 10k ea.
At any rate, no matter how you decide to get your silk threads, turn them into silk cloths. Save all of your cloths as the final synth will require you to go through 7 levels of clothcraft.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, 3x Silk Thread
Cap: Level 53

The first is that the skillups are slow and the temptation is great to just buy all your silk threads off the AH instead of farming any of them up. Resist the urge...or don't give a crap about the gil you're spending/losing and clear the AH out. There will be some happy sellers thanks to you, but then there will be some pissed off crafters thanks to the spike in silk thread prices all thanks to your impatience. :)
The second is that we're back to the maddening point of this craft where you have to make the materials before you can perform the skillup synth.
You can strike a balance though if you want to speed this process up. Again this is barring breaks (which there will be, so just chalk those up as a loss to begin with...), but if we're to assume that 8700/stack of silk threads is the break even point, then you can technically farm up one stack and effectively end up paying 4350/stack. You're still making money by NPC'ing the results and you're making faster progress. You don't always have to work on a 1:1 ratio for it since farming can be a rather tedious process, but as long as you understand where the break even point is for this synth, then you can speed up the process.
As of this writing, Silk Thread stacks are selling for approx. 13k on the AH for Odin. Farming up one stack of silk thread reduces your cost to 6500/stack. That's not too much wiggle room for trying to break even if you factor in the actual material losses from breaks as well.
This means, should all your synths be successful (and they won't), you're going to NPC 8 Green Ribbons. 8 x 2175 = 17,400 gil. You made a 4k profit in the best case scenario. Buy two stacks at 13k and farm one stack? It means you're going to NPC 12 Green Ribbons. 12 x 2175 = 26,100 gil against a 26k investment. Yes, you can possibly pull this off, but trying to find some undercutters who put their stacks up at 11-12k would work out better for your wallet too. Always keep this in mind and always keep your other costs in mind as well like synthesis support and crystal costs.
Mentioned at the beginning of this writing that I hated leveling this craft. You'll likely share my pain as you level this up too due to the silly amounts of pre-synths you have to make. Don't use this guide as the end-all though. Clothcraft is one of the few crafts that have a lot of other options for skilling up as well. Look at the recipes on FFXIAH.com and FFXIclopedia to see what else you can potentially do.
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