Learning more and more each run that Lv.80 is pretty much the difference between Obsidian needing 30+ people to win and needing 20 people to win. We ended up mauling T3 Saturday morning with 23 people. Granted, the room was kind of a slouch, but usually, the boss fight is the tell-tale sign of how strong your group is. We had Cerb and, while the fight went on a little longer than I would have expected, he still went down with relative ease.
The T3 prior to this one saw us fighting Behemoth with 31 people. Typically, KB rapes most groups. He's the only boss I dread seeing pop. Our 31 man group destroyed him in less than 30 seconds. I'm not sure if we just got a gimp KB, but not even one Meteor went off. Gives me quite a bit of hope in regards to the future of this event.
We knocked out Briareus for the first time using the CS/Stun + Zerg method we commonly use against Dynamis Lord. The fight dragged on long enough that we actually ran out of CS/stun and ended up getting a little sloppy the last 5%, but needless to say, they pulled it out. After finishing him off, we teleported out for a few job changes so we could start hunting other NMs and gathering key items for the Behemoth boss of the plateau. I'm currently missing the Carabosse key item.
We attempted her during the same run, but that fight seems to be more about outlasting that damn fairy than it is anything else. We simply ran out of time since we had burned up a lot killing the Ram NM, the Liege Fly NM, the smaller fairy NM, Megamaw Mikey, Chasmic Hornet and Piasa. This run was easily our most productive out of all that we've done thusfar.
Saturday saw us going into Tahrongi for an XP session turning into an NM hunting session. I just have to say, Adze is a bitch. I hate gnats. I now hate gnat NMs even more. Along with Adze, we farmed up items to pop the manticore NM and we took down Minhocao as well. The good news from this is while farming the manticores, huge gold chest popped that gave me the 2nd item needed to pop Lacovie. Not anything I'm going to pop any time soon, but we have a set. :)
HQ Stuff
Ended up going 1/19 on these after getting another abjuration. This is part of a project I've started to tweak out most of my gear. Especially now that angel skins have finally bottomed out thanks to their addition in Abyssea and MMM (allegedly...). That's something that's been long overdue.

And as they say...
Out with the old...

In with the new...

Now for that damn cap (0/55) and the feet (0/10)...
Trial 1851
Ended up hitting this hard this week. We had Monday off from events and I ended up knocking out something like 300 of them. Wednesday saw me knock out another 300 or so. Friday saw me knock out 500. Saturday night saw me get below 500 remaining and Sunday saw me finish it off.
Naturally, when I saw this...

I knew this was coming...

Naturally, I can only say I really do not feel good that I completed this.
Off to the moogle I go...

Do I feel good that I don't have to grind anything for at least a couple weeks? Yes. It's just hard to enjoy completing this when you know something even more asinine is coming down the pipe from SE. I don't think my trial is the hardest relic trial by any means since I'm virtually whiff-proof thanks to the Spirit Link update, Meditate (if you have a pocket healer) and a few extra TP tweaks to DRG, but it's long and it's annoying. 1851 ended up going by faster than 1850 despite there being an additional 500 killshots.
In talking with Alaistair last night, we both feel like a trial could be something ridiculous like 10,000 uses of a WS as long as they aren't killshots and we'd be a little more accepting. Realistically though, what else can SE come up with for the relics? Going to call my shot right now for next update:
2000 killshots on Beasts.
2500 killshots on Birds.
Birds might be wishful thinking...
Anyway, DRG picked up +1 STR, +1 DEX, +3 Base Damage, +5 Accuracy over the weekend. Will be interesting to see how it stacks up on boss fights and whatnot.
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