More dozing...

Older sister meets younger sister...

Although you don't see it in this picture, Breanna was actually saying "Sister pretty!" and "I like sister!" when I was taking this.
So far, Ansley (yes I keep butchering the spelling of her name) seems a lot more laid back than Breanna was. If you put something cold on her (like a nurse with a thermometer...) she'll let out a shriek and then she'll just go right back to sleep or start looking around again. Breanna would gripe for a while before she finally stopped crying when she was that age.
We think they're starting to look different too now that some of the swelling has gone down and whatnot. I think one of my next blog posts, I'll show Breanna's progression over the first three years of her life (since her b-day is coming up) just to illustrate how much and fast they change.
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