Few random thoughts to type out while I'm trying to avoid going to sleep...
- Dad was diagnosed with a case of diverticulitis. He was released from the hospital last night after two days of hospitality. Couple weeks on some antibiotics and a change in his diet will fix him right up. Gogo Colon Blow.
- Fishing is moving right along. Skillups are super streaky though. I went from 54-60 in a matter of 4-5 hours thanks to the Pelican Ring and some really awesome luck, but that luck is now balancing out as I'm now only 65 a week later.
- Skillups in fishing are streaky enough that it makes me wonder if there's a way to tell a good time to use the ring itself. The charges are limited and one would hope you could stretch it out until you get to 100, but I'm already 55 charges down and have more or less only picked up 11 levels while using it. If the laws of averages are any indication, that's 5 charges/level. I still have 125 charges left and 35 levels to go. This basically means I'd need a total of 175 charges to finish it off before the ring is done. Double skillups are a lot of fun to see though (forgive the crap quality, I play in full screen mode and can't take screenshots of this):

- Lost Einherjar on Tuesday. Snapped a win streak of 9 in a row. Wasn't real happy that we lost, but it was more due to some bad luck from Behemoth's stunga spam than it was anything else. Couple things I wasn't happy about was our WHM buffs dropping right as we started charging the boss, a couple no-shows and a few of us being unprepared, but again...was more due to bad luck than anything else.
- Thanks to the Einherjar loss, I had to move Odin back one run day. Normally we have that extra day to get that tier's feather, but our mule needs two T3 wins. This is due to a combination of real life and SE's new billing crap that caused the mule in the rotation to miss a T3 he'd normally already have.
- FFXIV is looking really good. Waiting for beta version to come out if it's not already.
- Dynamis attendance has been weak lately. I'm thinking again that this is due to the time of year, but even Xarc and Glacier have had issues with numbers lately. Part of me suspects that most of our memberbase has the majority of what they want and Dynamis is just boring now instead of "boring + omfg please drop".
- Erimentha hit 75 finally. This will open up a lot of doors for her game-wise. 'Grats.
- After a relatively quiet week from "work", it never fails that once I'm getting ready to take a class, a network worm rears it's head and starts spreading around the building. EVERYBODY PANIC!
(Actually...everyone STFU. /baninternetusewhileinclass)
- Hoping to get a good chunk of Project: Catch Up completed Friday or Saturday. Got a chunk of us at the same general ToAU mission spot. Maybe even finish up MKE for Eri if time permits.
- Ingot-Hoarder Smithiroon got a pair of Neptunal Abjuration: Legs from Nidhogg yesterday. This was pretty much the last major piece he was missing for his THF. For those of you that don't know, Blaize is one of the rare THFs that can actually keep up with me in a meripo parse. Look for Blaize vs. Qtipus coming soon to a Meripo Parse near you. Congrats on legs, super rare drop it would seem.
- Damn, back to paying attention now. He's going over stuff I'm not familiar with.
Monkeys and Chickens (Cocks) are still two separate animals no matter how many fishing skill ups you get in a row.