A few days ago, Girlfriend is doing something out in Xarcabard while I was fishing in Nashmau. We see the usual linkshell message that pops up whenever an NM is up, but 9/10, that NM is claimed and in the process of being killed. As she's out there, she kills Shadow Dragon and then...
(Kaylea) Biast
(Qtipus) Claimed?
(Kaylea) No
(Gawayne) omw
(Kreoss) omw
(Qtipus) omw
Takes the 3 of us about 5 mins to get out there. She's kept it slept the whole time with the occasional Biast bitchslap breaking her stoneskin. Screenshots pretty much say the rest.

So yeah, after rumbling with Biast, I picked up a piece of gear I wanted to get for DRK. I am in the process of starting to prepare leveling it, so this piece will likely go a long way towards speeding that process up for me.
At least until I can wear my Askar hat again.
Going into SSR this past Sunday saw me pick this up in a free lot battle. They would have normally gone to Omoikitte as she's had prio on these for a while. This is the second set I've seen her miss, but if I had to guess, there's probably a couple more.

This makes me 4/5 on the Marduk set. Inventory is starting to get cramped, so I'm going to start turning in the cheaper pieces over the course of the next week hopefully. In the mean time, I get to deal with Omoi grumbling at me and trying to stab me across the Atlantic with a very sharp pair of dagger-eyes.
A few stumblings the past week or so. Project: Catch Up hasn't happened very much due to not being able to get everyone online at the same time that are at the same points in various storylines. Obsidian's dynamis runs have also taken a pretty significant hit the past couple weeks as well. I'm going to chalk most of this up to the time of year with school and whatnot starting back up along with some people probably burned out of FFXI or trying to cram in their vacations before summer is over. Hopefully things pick up soon on both fronts.
The AH history fooled me. Seeing my Goldsmithing level at 55 while the rest of my crafts were 60 or higher just bugs me. In my frugal search for a way to get it to 60 without losing my ass, I saw that Gold Rings seemed to be popular. Guy by the name of Nonochin cleared the AH out between the 12th-15th and the synth itself was really only a 2-4k loss.
This is what being a little impatient will do for you. I bought up 8 stacks of gold ingots, turned them all into gold rings and pretty much since the 15th, only 2 rings have sold. Nothing like having 48 gold rings eating up inventory space on 2 mules. Sure I got goldsmithing to 57.5 in the process, but I'm guessing it'll be a while before these rings sell. The rest of the synths that look reasonable at this level are too much of a loss for me to stomach. I may just end up making the goldsmithing weapons that cap at 64 now that I'm 57. I imagine once I hit 58 and utilize goldsmithing support, I"ll probably be in decent shape from a breaks standpoint.
So yeah..go go me blowing 1.7 mil on gold ingots and having to sit on them for months. :)
Hopefully another post or two before Girlfriend gets here, but that depends largely on my workload. In the mean time, enjoy this picture of my most recent object of scorn...
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