On top of that...
...the ending left me rather unsatisfied. They tied up virtually no loose ends. That's kind of what the whole "Final" in "Final Fantasy" is about isn't it? Think about it...
FF1 - Light Warriors' deeds turn to legend.
FF2 - Firion, Maria, Guy and Leon set off for their next adventure while an epilogue describes what happens in the decades to come.
FF3 - Goes through individual character "endings" for the first time in the series.
FF4 - Plays on the character endings a bit more over FF3 by actually telling more story in the ending in the form of the wedding and the reuniting of the heroes.
FF5 - An ending detailed enough to actually show what happened to a pair of chocobos that were minor characters after the world was reborn. This ending is also one of the longest clocking in around 25 minutes.
FF6 - Goes through and tells more story through the ending somehow wrapping all of the major plot points up in a bit of a bittersweet finale. The music in this game is some of Nobuo Uematsu's best work.
FF7 - Despite Meteor actually landing, Holy and the Lifestream slowed it down enough that it only destroyed Midgar instead of the entire planet. While not exactly great at providing character resolutions, SE would make up for this later by releasing Advent Children and to an extent, Crisis Core (even though that took place before FF7 and has an amazing ending itself).
FF8 - Out of all the endings I've seen, this one is probably the best and most complete. Not only do they tie up most of the plot, they also go through and show you where everything starts and where everyone ends up. Squall finally smiles and becomes un-emo. I know that's a sticking point to the quality of the characters in this game, but when compared to XIII, yeah...
While 8 seems to be one of the most polarizing of the Final Fantasy series, anyone who played through it can't deny the ending left nothing to chance.
FF9 - Ending continues the trend of trying to show what happened to characters post-story. Zidane shows himself to be alive and well after the final battle and pretty much every character is given what they wanted. Zidane and Garnet embrace, Steiner and Beatrix are apparently involved with each other and the rest of the cast have moved into positions that are befit of their characters.
FF10 - I didn't like 10 all that much. Mostly for the same reasons I didn't like 13. Linear approach to the game play and a story that just...well didn't make much sense. While I can't say if they actually had plans to develop X-2 when X was completed, the ending was one meant to leave you hanging a bit. I hate that in an ending.
FF12 - I never actually beat 12 because of the story just being incapable of grasping me, but I do want to point out...

Three of those characters look very familiar as it relates to FF13...
Ashe = Lightning
Penelo = Vanille
Larsa = Hope
Anyway, 12's battle system kept me hooked for a long while until some of the marks became borderline ridiculous and the plot just wore thin. I think I ended up stopping shortly after the fight with Cid. I'll probably revisit this game at some point in the future.
Which brings me to...
Holy shit what a craptastic ending. It's visually pleasing for all of 5 minutes. You get to see Vanille and Fang stuck in some sort of lesbian lovers pose after they managed to save Cocoon by turning into Ragnarok and then turning a crapload of lava into a crystal pillar upon which Cocoon rests. Naturally, Dajh and Serah are no longer crystalized, but once the short reunion finishes, they're all just standing there wondering WTF to do now.
SE could have at least done some sort of work on the wedding between Snow and Serah or something to show some closure.
I really need to come up with a teabag rating system for these things...
Final verdict: Don't pay $60 for this piece of shit. Wait until retailers discount it to $20 or $30.
Poor Hope looked so hopeful at the end. Sucks for him Vanille swings the other way ;p