About 4-5 years ago, my sister happened across a stray kitten somewhere that I don't remember. The typical story ensued where someone feels sorry, takes them home with the intention of taking them down to the humane society the next day, then ends up keeping them.
The first couple years, "Kit" was your regular cat. Sassy at times, lazy the rest. My sister got her spayed, declawed, etc. During this process, it was discovered that she was Feline Leukemia positive which meant some changes had to be made around the house to prevent her other two cats from picking it up (if they hadn't already). Changes were made, happiness was achieved, etc yada etc yada.
About a year after this, my first niece shows up. She was warned by our vet that environment changes may cause issues in cat's acting out. So my sister watched for it. Nothing really changed.
As the 2nd niece is coming along, she did start to change. She started using the bathroom in various spots that didn't have litter in them. This was chalked up to be urinary tract infections (relatively common in any animal). After her uralysis came back clean and the bathroom idiocy didn't stop, we went through retraining thinking she just forgot litter was where she was supposed to poop. Didn't work.
Take her over to my house, she's fine.
Take her over to the in-laws, she's fine.
Take her back home, poop on the floor.
This has gotten progressively worse and worse as time has gone on and the vet is rather convinced this cat is seriously pissed off at something in that house and recommended that we try to find a different home for her.
Most shelters will not take her in because of the leukemia issue. This is not a death sentence for a cat necessarily, but it does mean she needs to be the only cat in the house. Outside of this home, she's a perfectly normal cat, so if anyone reading this blog that lives in the US wants her, I'll be more than happy to drive her to you so I don't have to listen to years of my sister's potential whining about having to have her put down. Please let me know something by Friday morning if you're interested.

(Kit is the tabby).
ni hao!
ReplyDeleteWe want cat lol!
Deliver to Panda China Chinese Restaurant we will be good home to delicious kitty!!
You want free crab raccoon?
I mean, good luck finding a good home :)