Apparently Kit got an eleventh hour intervention. About an hour before my sister and her husband were going to load her up in the car to take her down to the humane society and her inevitable euthanization, an organization out of Iowa called Witty Kitties called her up and let her know they had room for her. They did a lot of rescue work and were willing to come here to pick Kit up. The only prerequisite for this was that my sister sponsor Kit until she either found a home or died. The sponsoring fee is $20 a month.
I'm not 100% sure on how the cat is going to get there. Right now, the tentative plans are for me to take her up there in January since my brother-in-law works all kinds of oddball hours. They even offered to meet me on my way to CT for the holidays. That got a resounding "No" out of me because the last thing I need in a car for 16 hours with me are the combination of my parents and a poopy, meowing cat.
At any rate, it appears the cat's life is saved...again. This is one lucky cat and now I'm wondering whether or not it's a good idea for my sister to get rid of her after all...
Dark Knight Merits
Finished up Elemental and Enfeebling magic merits. 46 merits in 8 days are a ton of merits. I'm sure there are other people out there who have done more, so I'm not trying to come off as sounding like this was some sort of record-breaking performance. It's a ton of merits in a short period of time no matter how you look at it though. :)
Still not sure at this point if I want to max out the group 2 merits. Leaning towards no unless I have no other place to put merits. Path is clear for me to start leveling BLM now.

This is a new personal skillchain record for me. Usually when I meripo, birds end up dying too fast for us to sustain a chain for very long. Wivre usually means we're losing chain. This particular party had us killing Wivres like they were the Colibri...
DRG x3, RDM, BRD, COR (Qtipus, Blaize, Lect, Souel/Millenas, Celestria and Mimitsu respectively).
75k XP in about 3 hours.
Critical Break
I'm drawing this to a close on a weekly basis. Having a Tuesday deadline in the midst of everything that's changing in my real life at the moment is going to be tough to handle. I'm not going to stop writing the column completely, but it'll likely make it's appearances once or twice a month instead of every week.
For those of you that missed it on Ring's blog (or can't figure out how to click my name on the left...), I've posted both the entire 0-60 series and the entire 60-100 series on the right side of this blog. I thanked everyone in my semi-final post and I'll thank everyone here too. I really appreciate the comments I've received both on the blog itself and in game.
Looking like my attendance streak will come to an end sometime before the end of this month with the way I'll be traveling around. My streak currently sits at 143 straight runs as I've been to every Einherjar run since Obsidian started doing them. Hoping I can still make the runs while I'm out and about for the holidays, but obviously they're not going to be a priority.
It's kind of funny that I could seriously take an entire month off and there's no one on the list that would pass me in terms of total runs and he's even on a psuedo-hiatus at the moment with work overflowing into his play time (Mav). The next 4 people behind Mav would need a minimum of 2 months to pass me w/o me attending and 3/4 of those are on an extended hiatus or have just recently left the game (Airybreeze, Ceri and Oust).
I really do need to find people to man the mules though in the event I'm not around as Canuck seems to be off doing a bunch of other non-FFXI stuffs (new job, drinking, class, drinking, new games, drinking, concerts, drinking, etc...yes I've been watching your twitter Yot... :P). Logical choice would be Kaelis as he's someone I know who has the gear to man a couple mules if necessary. Lect would be another choice too in the same category, but we're not to that point yet although it's generally a good idea to get out ahead of that stuff.
Skilling Up/Weapon Skills

If only all skilling up were this simple...
Now that DRK is 75, I got a list of shit to skill up suddenly. I knew this going in, but it still doesn't diminish the overwhelming feeling when you look at all those non-blue numbers...
Friends Leaving
Apparently, a couple friends are leaving FFXI for good. Runestar left a while ago, but has apparently made it official as she suggested for Kimi to take over using her account as an Einherjar mule. Hopefully Runie finds some time to play again cause the /rollaround greeting never got old.
(Especially when it was responded to with a /punt.)
The other friend that's leaving is Airybreeze. I actually met Airy and her husband (Vangie) a few years ago in Detroit as I was driving through. We had lunch at a casino up there whose name I can't remember. While I can't really go into the details of her departure, this has the sense it's for good given the sheer amount of time she's been thinking about it and given some of the real life circumstances surrounding her. You never want to say never in regards to returning, but it's probably as close to a sure-fire never as there is. Hopefully things get sorted out and the MT queen does make a return, but if not, thanks for all the time to the both of you. :)
Random Pictures

Dark Knight hitting 75.

The new pants from A Shantotto Ascension apparently have a goblin mask stretched across the crotch and butt. Gives new meaning to "Bomb Toss".
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